Matvick’s out of control with those comments. There’s no excuse, and he and his enablers/bosses need to apologize (and then some). But while he’s alone (I hope) in insulting fans, he isn’t alone in continually drawing parallels between PWHL players and their male counterparts: Dave Starman is bad about doing that on NY Sirens broadcasts as well. Why is it always the men who work women’s hockey games who can’t seem to help themselves?

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I remember watching one of the games on YouTube and the male announcer’s voice making these completely inappropriate comments about one of the player’s bodies. It was brushed aside quickly, but instantly put me off and gave me a bad gut feeling.

Then, this morning, I read this post and it clicked. The nastiness emanating from those DMs matched the misogynist male voice I heard that day. Without a doubt.

I’ve shared this newsletter post in our PWHL Frost fan group to prompt what I hope will be a useful discussion on the standards we should advocate for from this league and the role we can specifically play as Minnesota fans.

Thank you for shedding light on this!

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Thanks for reading!

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Hate that we have to suffer the parade of insecure men

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I've been considering writing (and probably will write) something about how women's hockey doesn't need to be compared to men at all times. Last game, the Sirens broadcast immediately brought up Cole Caufield after Poulin scored... like come on. Between him and Matvick, we have a broadcasting problem.

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Frankie thanks so much for writing this; I've been sharing your article and am thinking through ways to get more attention to this. For me it's clear he should not get the privilege of announcing any more PWHL games. I wasn't a fan of his work to begin with and now it's so clear he cannot be trusted and shouldn't be allowed to have the platform.

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I think the contempt that the announcer guy shows for the small, too-online element of the women's hockey fanbase that relishes in the opportunity to be toxic as long as the toxicity is directed at the correct, group-approved targets is probably shared by the majority of the league staff and players.

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So are you saying it’s appropriate for a national broadcaster to name search himself, send an unsolicited DM, and then send sexist insults to a fan? Just trying to make sure I understand this comment.

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The guy is a total tool, but it’s very common for people in communication to set Google alerts for when their name pops up on the web. It’s how they know when/how to address things about them come up. As a professional blogger even we did this. I do agree his comments and DMing you was totally inappropriate

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To be clear, it’s not me that he DMed. I have a Google alert for my name, too! It doesn’t usually ping for tweets about me, though? Regardless, I’m not sure that it changes the fact that his messages were inappropriate.

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