Hi, I’m Frankie!

I’m a journalist with a focus on sports, culture, gender, and queerness—and particularly the ways those things intersect. Maybe you’ve seen some of my work:

As a full-time freelancer, there’s no easy place I can direct people who want to keep up with my work. This newsletter started as a way for me to share my work, along with behind-the-scenes tea and bonus content that may have gotten lost on the cutting room floor.

It’s still that, but it’s expanded to be a place for me to share my thoughts and observations about topics that I find interesting. A lot of publications aren’t interested in publishing stories that I want to write—this is a place for me to share them. Those things are usually related to women’s sports, queer and trans athletes, pop culture with a queer bent, and the field of writing and journalism.

New issues hit inboxes two or three times a week. This newsletter is edited by Louis Bien.

If you like what you see here, please consider subscribing!

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Dispatches from the intersection of queer sports and pop culture.


Writing at the intersection of sports, gender, and queerness. They/them.